For the Love of Grocery Store Rotisserie Chicken
Recently, I’ve been eating a lot of chicken. Not because I’ve always had a love of this fowl animal but out of convenience. If you think about it, grocery shopping is every week, and you know they put that ready-made food counter right at the front entrance. Of course, one cannot help themselves but to wander over… baited by the smell of roast chicken filling the air. It’s as if it was a trail leading me to an ultimate feast.
Why not? You’re at the store doing groceries, its right after work, it’s getting late, and you need something quick because you still need to unpack the groceries. This is how I got hooked.
I don’t know how or when it happened but ever since grocery store rotisserie chickens arrived at the scene, it’s been a staple of convenience for many families. The concept of grocery ready-made chicken, complete with potato wedges, gravy and some sort of salad has even grown in popularity that it found its way into family gatherings too. In fact, I would go as far as to say that ready-made chicken dinners are just as popular as ordering pizza.
I can’t say for sure if I’m entirely happy with the quality of chicken from my usual grocer but its fast and I’m hungry. However, I started to ponder if there was something better out there. Then it got me thinking, out all of the grocery stores available to me, which rotisserie ready-made chicken would be in my opinion -- the best?
Lets find out!
So, for the next few months, I plan to answer that question and highlight each grocery store's rotisserie chicken before coming to a conclusion, to which a final rating will be awarded indicating ranking order.
I know, I know, it’s quite the mission, but I’m up for the challenge and don’t worry I’ll be eating for the both of us.
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